OSHA 30C- Asbestos
Contracted with Ascend Learning to assist in the development of their OSHA Training Modules. These modules were heavy on compliance because it was for the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) which provide very specific competencies that must be followed.
Audience: The audience was wide ranging from brand new employees to veteran employees. Converting technical talk into plain language was crucial for the learning curve.
Project Kick off call included SMEs, leaders and stakeholders. Discussed relevant storyboard and validated content for the 30-minute module.
After Storyboard was approved, I began development in Rise. Chunking the lessons, I sent in the first two for visibility and review to ensure alignment and also to AVOID rework.
After review link feedback I was able to implement any suggestions and then complete the remaining lessons.
Then the Business and Developers (Me and my leader) conducted a review call and walked through the entire course to call out any concerns before final edits
The last stage I completed was implementing final edits, final source imaging, numbering all images and validating all content sources to complete the project and send to the business.